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Showing posts from August, 2020

Welcome Back!

 Welcome back! I am so happy to start this new school year. While it looks a bit different than last years start, it feels equally as important and fun. Today, J & L seemed to pick up right where they left off back in March. They remembered so many of the same routines and have even brought new skills to the classroom! It is so great to see the boys playing side by side, working together, and even keeping masks on for a little bit at a time! Way to go boys 😊 The boys sat with Ms. Kari and read our social story about wearing masks. Both L & J were proud to wear a mask on their face and even enjoyed the teachers wearing them too!       J worked for a long time trying to set up the dominoes just right in order to knock them over with a car or two. He demonstrated such concentration and ambition!  Before joining J over on the carpet, L had some "experiments" to get through and set up a whole table to get them done. He did, however, allow himself t...