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Showing posts from September, 2024

Ms Amy Wed

 Ms Amy really knows how to make learning fun!

Forest Tuesday

Today we wished well to 2 of our friends but still had a great time visiting the forest and our new friends, the chickens.

Happy Monday

 Welcome back Pine Friends! We are practicing our new word HELP and reviewing our words GO and STOP. Our jobs have changed as well as our color study. We are moving on from Pink and into the world of Blue! Ms Erica brought in something special for us today....caterpillars! We had a Cool time practicing our new letter C!

Capering Thursday

 We had a capering good time exploring Magnolia and Dogwood

Taking a bite out of learning

 Ms Amy lead our circle today and read a book called One Duck Stuck. This helped practice our new word HELP. So many animals were in the story that friends were inspired to talk about other animals, including different kinds of sharks. Ms Amy brought in her game Shark Bite and all friends played together ❤️ 

Hunting for Pink

 Today on our walk and visit to the forest we were hunting for things that are the color Pink. We also got to meet our chicken neighbors!!