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Showing posts from January, 2025

As the week ends….

What a rainy but productive day we had. Next week we look forward to another full week with some new words and activities. Have a great weekend! If you’re up for a challenge, find a way to incorporate our words IN and OUT when cleaning up toys, loading the dishwasher, helping with laundry, etc. These are also good ways to add in other skills such as counting, sorting, and even letter sounds!

Happy Wednesday

 It was a full day of fun with Ms Amy circle time, capering, and outside play in January! Our bird feeder was empty so today we decided to perform an experiment with food. Will the birds like the cranberries, the oats, or both?


 We played sink or float today! Ask your kiddo if they can remember what items we experimented with and if their predictions were correct. It is important when being a scientist/detective to use clues to help make our prediction, to be brave and not always guess what other people do, and be ok even when our guess is wrong. 

Happy Monday

 Welcome back to another full week of school! We are still practicing core words IN and OUT in stories, music, and activities. Our friends continue to have fun at centers so we are continuing play in our igloo, sensory table ice, restaurant, and small world. We introduced our new letter today, ask your kiddo if they can tell you the name (p), sounds, or items that start with p. We introduced a new game last week called mystery sound and will discover a new one this week too!

Aaaaaand the blog is back!

 Happy Thursday, here is a photo dump from the week. Have a great weekend!