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Dinosaur Prints

Playdoh has been a huge hit in the Pine room. Everyday this week we looked at different ways we can use it, today we decided making dinosaur prints was our best option. 

L sat down and swiftly pressed the dinosaurs foot into the playdoh. 

"A footprint! He has his feet in here."

L continued to stamp the dinosaur's feet into the dough. He would study the prints as he pressed them in. 

"He has his feet in. They are big!"

"Look! They are two!"

"They look the same. He has two."

W took a different dinosaur in his hand and furiously stamped the feet into the green dough. 

"Stomping. He's making footprints."

W sat there and looked at the many different kinds of prints the dinosaurs were making. He continued to comment on the sizes. 

"This is small. That one's big."

"Hahah, look he has 5 footprints!"

"That's a big one! He has big foot."

K took a different approach and started making prints in the tail. She pressed them deep into the dough two different ways. 

"Look! Look! It's different! It's like holes and stuff like this." 
K continued to roll the tail of the dinosaur into the soft dough. She would inspect it closely to find what exactly was different. 

The kids talked a lot about the sizes of the footprints and how some were bigger than others. They passed the dinosaurs around and making them growl as they stomped through the green playdoh. 


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