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New Paint Colors

We have talked a lot about colors in the Pine room. We tried many different ways to mix colors, but finally came to the conclusion that we could mix them into cups. M finally had a chance to mix the colored water. He stared at each color before deciding on which ones to combine. 

"I think I am going to use yellow & blue?"
"It makes green!"

"I'm making different colors."- M
"I'm mixing yellow, green, and red. I don't know what it will make."- K

"I'm making a new color."- M

"Are you making a rainbow?"- M
"Yes, I am making a rainbow!"- K
"Mines a super cool rainbow!"- M

"This one is old. Look in it, it's old."

"I use blue!"- L

After making their own colors, the kids were able to test them out on a new white piece of cloth. They used eyedroppers to watch the color spread far and wide. 


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