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Sights & Sounds

F started looking through each hole. He would crouch down, take a look through, then pop back up. Friends from Magnolia ran over and started looking through too. As they looked through, they would yell, "hello!"

F got an idea. He decided he was going to yell 'hello' too, but through each tunnel. 

They continued to bob up and down switching between looking through each hole and yelling in it. 

The group would erupt in giggles after exchanging different yells and vocalizations. 

"It sounds loud when you yell in it."

"You can see different parts looking in."

"Yeah you have to turn it like this."

The playscape provides for so many different opportunities for the kids. They were able to hear sounds much louder than they normally would and focus on other parts of outside looking into the narrow tunnel. 


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