K confidently asked to have one hand covered in blue and the other in red.
"It's going to be purple!"
She stamped her hands firmly onto the canvas and then carefully peeling them away.
"It is purple!"
F also used blue and purple. He rubbed them together and stared at the brand new color on his hands.
With some help, F was able to see the purple he created come off his hands and transfer onto the white canvas.
"The blue and the yellow made green. It's like my shirt!"
Next M and J both wanted to rub their hands together with yellow and red. They both giggled as the cold paint slid between their fingers.
"The yellow and red made orange!"
The color mixing skills came in handy when dying rice. In order to make more than just primary colors, the kids realized they needed to mix the food coloring in order to create secondary colors like green, orange, and purple.
W worked his fists over the paper, kind of like kneading dough, to mix up the blue.
K and M were able to apply their knowledge on color mixing to rice dying. They confidently stated that yellow and red will make orange.
By the end of the activity the kids of Pine started comparing the different colors.
"Look the purple is dark."
"The red and orange kind of look the same, but they are different."
"They yellow is bright! It looks like the sun."
"The green is very light."
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