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Sharing is Caring

While capering today, L & J took an interest in some magnetic tiles to build with. They first started building separate garages and roads for their cars, but exchanged materials with one another as they built. 

"J can I have more squares please? I want to build a road."
"Sure! Here you can have these."

L built his road for his car. At first, he carefully pushed the car across the tiles making a rumbling sound to mimic an engine. After a few passes with his car, his car started going a little faster and a little crazier. 

"L, be careful! You almost knocked over my car wash!"
L looked over and noticed his foot was just a few inches from knocking over J's creation. 
"Oh, sorry!"
L moved his body and began playing again. 

J continued to build her car wash and started to attract the attention of some other kids. 
"Look, you put your car here and it goes around and around like this."
J took it upon herself to show the others how to use her car wash. 

Both J & L exchanged several pieces back and forth for most of capers and involved other kids throughout their play making the same kind of trades and exchanges. 

Both L & J displayed a lot of kindness and friendship the Pine room has been working on for the last couple of weeks. They were able to work with one another and even get others involved by offering the tiles or even extra cars they weren't playing with. These small examples of play are exciting to watch because the kids are building relationships with one another and modeling friendship for others. Way to go, Pine friends! 


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