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Gorgeous Afternoon for Capering

Another beautiful day to caper! The kids were so excited that we got to caper outside on the playscape and enjoy the warm sun accompanied by the cool breeze. There was a wide range of choices for the kids to make before finally settling down and eating snack before heading home. Have a great weekend! 

B enjoyed his time playing in the soapy water and washing some of the most popular toys from our room. We have really been emphasizing how it important it is to not only take care of the materials we use every day, but also keeping things clean to stay healthy. 

J & L tested out their bike riding skills by racing up and down the sidewalk. They played a lot of stop and go games and trying to avoid crashing into everyone else. 

F paused his game of chase to make sure a friend who lost his hat from the wind got it back. He thoughtfully turned back around when he noticed A was no longer wearing his red cap to hand it back to him before running off again. F loves a good game of chase, but also understands the importance of taking care of friends. 

M & J worked hard to dig deep holes in the sand to bury treasure they would later retrieve. 
"I want to take off my socks and my shoes so I can feel the sand on my feet. It feels like we are on the beach!"

S worked tirelessly with a group of girls to try and move a giant tube filled with rocks. All four girls put in a lot a great effort, but were soon defeated by the heaviness of the tube. 

S also enjoyed playing with the LEGO blocks and creating a beautiful structure full of wonder and happiness. She worked for a long time to get just the right pieces to complete her castle. 

W often enjoys playing tag and chase with some other friends,  but took a break to climb the wall. F stood near by cheering him on as he made the ascent. 

We are so happy to be playing in warmer spring weather. The importance of playing outside becomes even more evident during the colder months when we aren't able to spend as much time outside as we may like. Can't wait to continue to spend even more time outside and exploring. 


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