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Taking Care of our Materials

As you all know yesterday was a fun muddy day at the forest. The kids clothes, faces, hands, shoes, and everything in between were covered in mud. Since a lot of the Pine kids borrowed boots from school it only made sense to take care of what we borrowed. 
"The boots we wore are so muddy. I think we will have to clean them."
"We will need soap!"
"We need water too."
"Don't forget the boots, we definitely have to clean them."

Everyone grabbed a sponge and a pair of boots then got to work. 

Every kid took pride in making sure the boots were clean, if not cleaner, than the way they found them. 
"I don't have to clean like this at home."
"Yeah my mom cleans things for me. She will probably wash my clothes that had mud on them."
"I used to help my mom with laundry, but I don't anymore."
"I have to pick up my toys sometimes."

As the kids worked they talked about how the water turned from clear to brown, how there were fewer soap bubbles than when we started, and how they liked the feeling of squeezing the dirty water out of the sponge. There are so many different materials to borrow at school and it is important to take care of everything we use. The kids are becoming quite responsible and take pride in a lot of the work they do. They are definitely looking forward to stomping in the  mud again soon! 


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