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Back in the Kitchen

Good morning and happy Wednesday! I am so happy some of the Pine friends are able to connect with teachers today! I can't wait to hear all of the stories and see your smiling faces. It makes me extra excited for Thursday's class ZOOM! 

Yesterday, I was feeling pretty hungry after working for a few hours so I wandered into the kitchen. I opened up my refrigerator and saw that I had a mound of blackberries on the top shelf. I quickly realized Connor and I would not be able to eat all of them in time. But what else can we do with them? After some brainstorming, we came up with an idea: sorbet! 

In the video below you can watch as the plump blackberries turn into a smooth frozen treat in just a matter of minutes (thanks to movie magic, of course)! 

I hope you all can find something in your kitchen to make today. What's your favorite thing to eat? Can you help a family member make it? 


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