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It's Time to Move!

Good morning! Oh man, is it hard some days to move around and get some energy out. I know I struggle with ways to keep myself physically going while at home because I am not walking or moving as nearly as much as I was when we were in school. Trust me, I would much rather just lie on the couch or sit in the sun then get up and do some physical activity on this rainy day! Some days I have to get creative on how to move: go for a walk, do yoga, dance party in the kitchen, etc. There are so many ways to do so! 

In today's plans for self care, there is a link to participate in some yoga and deep breathing. I encourage you, however, to first follow along with Ms. Julie to expel some extra energy and dance along! 

After dancing and moving, click on over to enjoy some calming movement which is equally important!

Keep those bodies moving however you can! I am choosing to dance from one room to another to keep the energy and joy flowin'! 


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