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What Do You Hear?

I hope you all enjoyed such a beautiful weekend! It was so nice to be able to enjoy the sunshine and spend some time outside, safely social distancing of course 😊

On Saturday I spent some time outside and was noticing a lot of the different sounds I was hearing. There were birds chirping, bees buzzing, cars driving by, and sometimes the low hum of an air conditioning unit. I stopped what I was doing and took a second to just listen. I was able to hear so much more! I decided to make a list of the different sounds I heard and then wanted to draw/paint pictures of those different sounds. It was a really fun memory game to play with myself. I wonder if that's something you can do too? Here's a look at one of the paintings I made! 

Can you make a list of all the different things you hear? Can you draw, paint, or even just describe what was making that sound? 

Try it out! Upload your pictures or videos to the Google Photos folder so we can see what you made too! 

Before you get started, read along with Ms. Kari another one of our favorites Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? by Bill Martin, Jr. 

Have a great start to your week! I can't wait to see and hear about all of the ways you guys have been learning at home! 


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