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"The Storm is Coming!"

While sitting at the road map table, L was on a mission. As he sat quietly by himself he started to building a really tall tower with legos. He noticed the ball dangling in front of him, picked it up and swung it over the table. The ball missed. 

"It didn't hit it! Why didn't it work?"

He let the ball stop in the middle of the table, dangling above fallen lego pieces. He continued to build onto the same tower, but it kept falling over.

"I am so frustrated! It keeps falling over, I don't like it!"

He sat in silence for a minute with arms crossed. He picked up the legos and started to build again. This time he created several different small lego buildings creating something representing a city. He picked up the ball and yelled, 


L was disappointed when the ball only knocked over one of the towers... why did it only hit that one?

"The storm didn't hit all of them. I think they are too small."

What to do? 

All of the sudden L picked up the legos surrounding his towers and added pieces. 

"It needs to be bigger!"

L added pieces to make his buildings taller. He was then able to swing the ball over the table and knock down the remaining buildings. 
"We did it! The storm made them all fall!"

This was so fun to watch and made all of us laugh and giggle. L has really shown his ability to problem solve in all different activities in the classroom. Way to go! 


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