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Going to the Moon

 This afternoon while playing with Dogwood, F sat down and began building with magnetic blocks. He sat for a few minutes before finally revealing his creation. 

"A rocket!" he exclaimed. He sat the rocket down on the ground and counted down...

"3, 2, 1.. BLAST OFF!" He shot the rocket straight into the air and began flying it around the room. 

When asked, "where is it going?" He put his finger to his chin to think. He then said, "the moon!" 

But, there was one problem, there wasn't a space designated for the moon. He searched around to look for the perfect place for a moon. He noticed the markers near by and asked if I could draw it. I complied and drew a big moon onto the board. 
"The moon has craters!" M from Dogwood yelled. 

"Astronauts go to the moon! They walked on it." L chimed in. 

F started again. He counted down and at "blast off" launched his rocket into the air and attempted to land it on the moon. Although the blocks are magnetic, they were too heavy to stick to the board. This all seemed ironic to me as gravity seemed to be playing a large part in all of this... we will save that conversation for another day 😊

Instead of F getting frustrated by the whole thing, he simply started taking off individual pieces to place onto the board. 

It's always refreshing when one child begins playing with certain materials and other kids chime into their play. Although the others had every opportunity to run over and play with him too, they simply stayed at what they were doing and contributed to conversation. They allowed F to continue his play without interrupting and even added to his experience! This is just a very small piece of perspective taking. A hard concept to learn at a young age, but it is beginning to happen so naturally in the classroom! 

Have a safe and fun weekend! 

Reminder that the preschool is not in session on Tuesday 11/3. 


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