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Finding Balance... Quite Literally

 F showed a deep level of determination today. Whatever it took, he was going to find a way to successfully balance as he walked across various parts of the sandbox. He first tried out the rocks that enclose all of the sand. F used his little toes to grip the rocks as he tried to walk across. His feet kept slipping from the thin coating of sand on the stones. He would make it a few feet and begin to wobble. He threw his arms out to his sides to try and balance out his weight and not fall. This strategy did not always work, but he continued to do so once he was beginning to feel a little uneven. 

J noticed what F was up to and decided to join him. As J walked he began to list the reasons why he was scared. 

"I'm scared! I don't want to fall. I might get hurt and get a cut. I don't want to get hurt."

As I watched both J and F they definitely had two different approaches to climbing. J was very clear in what he was afraid of. He was cautious and constantly checked his surroundings. F, on the other hand, went full force. He was okay with falling off or having to start again, but definitely did not take the same kind of precaution. 

I love seeing the different approaches kids take to different games and activities. It really does give a small glimpse into their personalities and who they are as people. 


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