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Forest Finds

 While exploring the forest today, L & F noticed something peculiar in one of the logs.

"Hey! Look there's some metal in here! What?! How did it get here?" 

F came over and took a closer look. 

F & L pulled and pulled on the bolt and chain. 
"Heavy!" F yelled as he tried to take it out. 
"It is too hard to get out!" L agreed. 

F turned around and started back up the log, but quickly stopped. 
"Look!" he shouted and pointed to another bolt stuck in the log! 

"How did these get here?!" L asked 
F shrugged and wasn't sure how they got there either. L talked himself through it. 
"I think that a crane came here and dropped this here! Or maybe some construction guys came and drilled them here. Maybe aliens dropped it here. They might have done it too. The metal came from the sky maybe?" 

L made many predictions on where the metal pieces that were jetting out of the log. It's funny to see them just notice this chain and bolt because it's been there for as long as we have been going to the forest, but that's why we love to go. It provides us with endless opportunities to find new things. 


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