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X Marks the Spot

In continuation from the treasure that was found yesterday, L was determined to hide the newly created treasure in the forest! If you watched yesterday's video you will remember that L explained the plan for today's forest visit. Basically:

1. create treasure

2. hide the treasure in the forest

3. mark an X on a map

4. tell other classes to find the treasure! 

The kids started the day out by creating a beautifully jeweled pipe cleaner to represent the treasure. F, L, and O worked very hard to get these beads with the tiniest holes! Nevertheless, they persisted and created beautiful pieces. 

The treasure was made and ready to be hidden in the forest. Once we arrived, L took it from there. 

Once he buried it, it was time to mark it with an X and place an X on the treasure map. 

This was so fun and we couldn't keep the game to ourselves. L and the others agreed that it would be really fun to give the other classes in the building a chance to find the treasure! Now we wait to see who will find it and what kind of treasure they will leave for the next class.


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