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 Welcome back! We started this week off with a bang. Over break I ordered some caterpillars and a butterfly garden since a lot of what we have focused on this year has been anything pertaining to outside. The kids were SO excited to see the fuzzy little worms crawling around in the cup. 

"They will be butterflies?"

"They are getting big and look at all the food!"

"They are going to be butterflies really soon. Like maybe in a little bit."

"Yeah they have to be in cocoons to be butterflies!"

The conversation revolved mostly about the life cycle which was perfect! Everyone crowded around the drawing table and began making some predictions on what they eat, when they will become butterflies, and how they grow so fast. 

If you are interested in trying at home, you can go here.

I am so excited to see what goes on from here throughout the coming days and weeks. 


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