Did you know we have a class that comes in the morning? This isn't something we often talk about in the classroom simply because we are working on two different things! Today, however, we had the opportunity to connect with our AM class in the forest! How do we bridge community? How do we bring the AM class and the PM classes together without actually having to be together? Well, I will tell you just one way we decided to start bringing our two classes together. This morning our AM boys painted some rocks and then hid them among the greenery, logs, and trees. The intention was to have our PM friends then go and try and find the rocks! All was going well, until we could NOT find the blue rock... where did the blue rock go? "We can't find it. It's lost!" "We have the purple, pink, and orange, but no blue!" This was unexpected! Where could it possible be? It took a bit of asking around, but we found out that the Sycamore class found the blue rock this m...